Hire TRG

TRG provides consulting and training services to Federal regulatory agencies and other organizations that need to understand the regulatory process to serve their clients and constituents. To discuss hiring TRG, please call us at (703) 224-9000 or send TRG a message here. Federal agencies may hire TRG through our existing Government contract vehicles discussed below. 


DocketScope software is a powerful comments analysis tool built for policy analysts to improve efficiency in conducting regulatory comments analysis for government agencies and organizations. DocketScope is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering of DocketScope, Inc. TRG is a reseller of DocketScope subscriptions under a reseller agreement. DocketScope subscriptions are per user and available as either monthly or annual terms. DocketScope subscriptions may be purchased through TRG GSA Contract 47QRAA18D006K. Click on the price catalog below for rates. To learn about DocketScope pricing or to schedule a free demo of DocketScope please go to www.DocketScope.com or call (703) 224-9000.

Government Contracts

TRG is a small business. Federal agencies can sole source contracts to TRG for training or consulting. Agencies can also contract with TRG through the existing government contracts listed below.

GSA Schedule Contract

Contract No. 47QRAA18D006K

Download TRG's GSA Pricing and Service Catalog

Federal agencies may access TRG for consulting and training services through the GSA’s Professional Services Schedule (PSS).  This fast, easy, and effective contract vehicle provides agencies access to TRG as a pre-approved vendor for integrated consulting and training services.  For more information on the benefits of using the PSS, please visit GSA’s website here.

TRG's offerings through GSA-PSS:

Special Item Number (SIN)/


TRG Services


Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services

Support for government policy offices related to the regulatory process, policy development, drafting, research, analysis, training, facilitation


Professional and Management Development Training Services

Training for government staff on the regulatory process, policy development, writing, analysis, research


Electronic Commerce and Subscription Services

Annual and monthly subscriptions for DocketScope® Comments Analysis Software


 For Federal agencies, TRG's GSA Schedule Contract provides the following prices for existing TRG courses:


Price for Up to 25 attendees (virtual or in person) Rate
Two-day courses $14,657
One-day courses $10,113
Price for Up to 20 attendees (virtual or in person) Rate
Rulemaking Refresher Seminar $5745

For a full list of courses, click here.

Other Contract Vehicles

TRG is on several blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) such as the Federal Aviation Administration’s electronic FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST). We may have a contract vehicle in place that can provide your office easy access to our services. Please contact TRG to learn more about these contract vehicles.