The Regulatory Group, Inc. (TRG) specializes in the Federal rulemaking process and policymaking. Since 1980, TRG has supported Federal agency policy staff at every stage of the rulemaking process. TRG provides Federal agency policymakers with the following expert consulting services:
- Analyzing agency objectives
- Identifying rulemaking options and preparing Rulemaking Support Papers
- Supporting agencies in drafting regulations, advisory documents, internal orders, and policy manuals
- Preparing documents for publication in the Federal Register
- Supporting compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and applicable statutory requirements and executive orders
- Analyzing and summarizing public comments (TRG uses DocketScope® comments analysis software)
- Conducting regulatory impact analyses
- Streamlining agency rulemaking procedures
- Developing internal agency rulemaking manuals
- Teaching agency employees the regulatory process and how to write regulations and guidance
The regulatory objective of any agency is to produce effective regulations. An effective regulation is clear, is an informed policy decision based on accurate analysis of the relevant facts, and is legally sound. TRG's regulatory consulting services focus on this three-pronged approach to developing effective regulations:
- Clarity - Regulations must be written clearly (use plain language)
- Accuracy - Regulations must be substantively accurate and based on accurate analysis, data, and facts (serve their intended purpose)
- Process - Development and implementation of regulations must follow the correct legal process (satisfy legal procedural requirements, APA)
The failure of any one of these factors undermines the Federal agency's regulatory objective. By focusing on these factors in all of its consulting and training efforts, TRG helps Federal agencies build quality into their regulations and their rulemaking process, advisory documents, internal orders, policy manuals, and overall regulatory process.
TRG has conducted comments analyses on rulemaking dockets ranging from the thousands of comments to hundreds of thousands of comments. In addition to analyzing public comments, TRG is often hired by Federal agencies to review comments analyses performed by agency staff or contractors for compliance with the relevant statutes and case law.
To discuss TRG’s consulting services, please call us at (703) 224-9000 or send us a message here. To learn more about TRG’s existing Government contract vehicles, please call us or click here.